The More You Know

Is Your Builder Making Repairs with a Construction Permit?


I am repeatedly hearing about Home Builders sending their subcontractors back into our brand new homes AFTER closing and doing repair work... While we appreciate that they are repairing their mistakes.... they are all to commonly doing this construction repair work WITHOUT A PERMIT!

Yes, a permit is required to be obtained and active whenever most types of construction work is performed by the Builder or any of his subcontractors in your home . 

Many Builders have historically told Homeowners that they are working under the original permit for construction of your home; however, that original permit is typically closed out by the Building Department when they issue the Certificate of Occupancy, or if not intentionally closed, it expires within a few months of the closing date.  

When the permit is closed or expires, a new permit MUST be obtained PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY REPAIR WORK!


It has come to our attention that many municipalities require permits be obtained for construction repair work that is required to be performed by the Builder and his subcontractors to achieve code compliance. The homeowner should protect themselves by making sure that the Builder and all subcontractors working on their home have obtained all required permits for all types of construction work planned to be performed at their home. Depending on the nature of the repair work, the building department may perform building inspections and enforce code requirements as authorized by the local government.


Copies of permits should be posted on site in a location noticeable to the public and to the Building Department inspectors prior to the start of work. Contact your local Building Department for information about Permitting and their specific requirements applicable to your home.



In addition, contractors working on homeowners properties should provide proof of insurance (general liability, auto liability, and Worker’s Compensation), in the event that damage to the home or injury to workers occurs. Homeowners should request a certificate of insurance prior to contractors coming to the property which provides insurance company contact information and coverage limits in the event that a claim needs to be made. Join NAHO today for more information that will help you get your builder to fix their mistakes at no charge to you.